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Registration Terms

Step by Step Instructions-- IMPORTANT

Welcome to VCMB. During the next 3 days, you are expected to do the following:

1. Read everything in the Must Reads section. This is your guidebook to the VCMB and you are expected to read all of it before entering the community.

2. Look over the Recommended Reading section. Answers to many of your intiial questions can be found here and will save you (and our members) the trouble of rediscussing old topics.

3. After, and only after, you have completed Steps 1 and 2, go to the Groups thread. Read the instructions carefully BEFORE requesting your group.

Note: As a new member, you must choose a group to belong to. The purpose of choosing a group is to provide you with the information you need without forcing you to wade through information you don't need. Think carefully before deciding. Each group has a private forum where group-specific and sometimes sensitve topics are discussed. If you are not sure which group to pick, then choose the Unsure group. You will not be looked down upon for being in the Unsure group; in fact, our members will appreciate your honesty. With the exception of an Unsure person requesting a new group once they better understand their condition, changing groups is generally frowned upon, as this makes the requestor appear to be group-hopping.

4. Once you've been grouped (you will see the group name under your username in your profile and/or notice that your request has disappeared from the Group Request thread), then proceed to the Introductions topic and introduce yourself. A good introduction tells us why you are here and a little about your interests, hobbies, etc. For example:

"Hello, I'm a newly awakened Sang vamp living in Dallas, Texas, and I came here after googling Real Vampires. I'm hoping to make friends and learn about ways to feed. I love camping and competitive swimming."

Note: DO NOT include personally identifying information, such as your real name or the name of your school or place of employment, in your profile or your introduction.

Forum Terms & Rules

Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below. To cancel this registration, simply hit the 'back' button on your browser.

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of the VCMB.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use the VCMB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, religous, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by the VCMB.

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